
Slow Living

Slow Living

Recent events in the world surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic and the tragic murders of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and many others have brought into focus where we can do better, and be better. If you read my recent newsletter, you’ll know I am actively working on an action plan to better shape my mission at Open Air Places in a more diverse and inclusive way and I look forward to publishing that soon.

I admit, it’s been a challenge to stay active on this platform with all of the uncertainty in the world, and my own worries that I’ll do or say the wrong thing promoting travel or retreats (my two main gigs) when obviously those two things are responsibly on hold right now. I feel deeply that words matter, messaging matters and I always want to be an authentic voice sharing positivity and inspiration in everything that I do here.

Silver Linings in the Time of the Coronavirus

Silver Linings in the Time of the Coronavirus

Inspired this week by Kitty O’Meara’s “In The Time Of Pandemic” poem posted on her lovely blog The Daily Round: Living From The Spirit Level I wanted to share some of the ways I am staying inspired at home during this time of social distancing.

I’d love to hear what you are doing (….or not doing) in the comments below. Please feel free to share your silver linings! We’re all in this together.



It’s Official: The RicePod in Bayfield, WI Is My New Favorite Place To Stay

It’s Official: The RicePod in Bayfield, WI Is My New Favorite Place To Stay

If you’re anything like me, your ideal weekend escape is probably filled with beautiful cabins secluded in nature, proximity to Lake Superior and plenty of time for rest and reflection.  Enter the space that rolls all of these goals into one:  The RicePod™ - the first of the Salmela Architect cabins at Wild Rice Retreat, in Bayfield, WI.

A POUR AS PURE AS THE PLACE: Copper Crow Distillery in Bayfield, Wisconsin

A POUR AS PURE AS THE PLACE: Copper Crow Distillery in Bayfield, Wisconsin

When my Open Air Places guests ask for the best place in town to enjoy a cocktail, I send them 4 miles north of Bayfield along Hwy 13, to the COPPER CROW DISTILLERY.

Located one block past Legendary Waters Resort & Casino, the distillery is a charcoal colored building, nestled into the pines.  The architecture aptly resembles a crow, soaring overhead with wings outstretched. 

While the distillery has only been established for several years, it looks as though it’s been at home here forever.

THE HARBOR HILL HOUSE: Bayfield Wisconsin's Finest Place to Stay

THE HARBOR HILL HOUSE: Bayfield Wisconsin's Finest Place to Stay

As I write this blog from the spacious porch of the HARBOR HILL HOUSE in Bayfield, Wisconsin the morning sun is turning Lake Superior into bed of shimmering diamonds.

The Madeline Island Ferry is making it’s morning crossing over to Madeline Island, and the air around me is scented with the sweet smell of the flowers hanging heavy in their baskets.

I feel lucky to be in this place, enjoying a cup of coffee with the splendor of nature surrounding me.

Nature's Studio at Little Sand Bay

Nature's Studio at Little Sand Bay

When I close my eyes and think about summertime, I conjure up warm afternoons on sparkling Lake Superior, complete with picnics, my camera and afternoons to while away. Bonus days include the promise of catching the sunset streaking across the sky of a hidden bay somewhere.

Since 2011 the community of Bayfield, Wisconsin has been a second home for me, and I really sharing with others how special this place is. Over the years I’ve perfected my list of hidden beaches on the mainland, and the Apostle Islands where I can find agates, or add to my collection of naturally occurring driftwood telescopes. Maybe someday I’ll publish my list, but for now, I just want to share one spot that never fails to inspire me.

Gorgeous Grays and Islands in the Stream

Gorgeous Grays and Islands in the Stream

It’s - 10 degrees today where I am, and my views outside are a palette of white and various shades of gray.

I know a few artists who do grays exceptionally well. My favorite is Joseph Zbukvic, known worldwide as a Master Artist, and who is famous for his use of grays in his watercolor paintings. He’s even collaborated with Daniel Smith to create three luscious grays which are lovely for studio and plein air painting.